
Case Studies

Shadow Operator Consultancy Services
Grand Paris Express

The Grand Paris Express project was initiated with the aim of promoting sustainable, inclusive economic development and job creation in the Paris region. The project involves the construction of several new metro lines and extensions to existing ones to connect the suburbs of Paris without having to transit via the city center.

Appointed by the Société du Grand Paris (SGP) and Île-de-France Mobilités (IdFM), STRIDES International and Transdev Group were jointly contracted as Shadow Operator for the new Greater Paris Driverless Metro.

The main scope of the shadow operator will be to provide technical support and assistance to the Société du Grand Paris and Île-de-France Mobilités (IdFM), prior to the selection of the operator for each of the four new lines.

Image Source: Wikipedia

The Grand Paris Express project includes the construction of Lines 15, 16, 17, and 18, which are connected to the existing public transport network. Additionally, the extension of Line 14 to the north and south will complete the network, providing dense coverage of the region.

During the construction phase, emissions are expected to peak at 4.3 million tonne equivalent of carbon dioxide (teqCO2). However, once the metro is in operation, emissions are projected to drop to 0.11 million teqCO2 per year. This significant reduction in emissions is due to the use of electric trains and the increased use of public transportation, which reduces reliance on private vehicles. Once the metro is completed, it is expected to allow savings of between 0.75 million and 1.3 million teqCO2 per year.

The Grand Paris Express project is expected to create jobs in the construction and operation of the metro lines. Additionally, the increased connectivity between suburbs is expected to promote economic development by improving access to employment opportunities, education, and healthcare. The project is also expected to increase property values in areas with improved connectivity.

The Grand Paris Express project is an example of how public transportation can promote sustainable economic development and job creation while reducing significant environmental impact to the city.








Progressive opening of Grand Paris Express is scheduled between
2024 and 2030