SMRT’s award-winning Project Overwatch demonstrates our strong sustainability focus and commitment to operational excellence. Using AI and video analytics, Overwatch continuously monitors train services in real time, alerting staff to anomalies and reducing potential delays. This proactive approach improves reliability and minimises disruptions for commuters.
Launched in October 2020, Overwatch showcases SMRT’s innovative use of technology for sustainable transportation solutions. It is being progressively rolled out on multiple rail lines, such as the North-South, East-West (first quarter of 2024), and Thomson-East Coast Lines, expanding its positive impact. SMRT also plans to enhance Overwatch by adding features like data analytics for train passenger loading, bus information, and travel route carbon counting.

Recognised by the UITP with the 2023 award for operational excellence, SMRT’s Project Overwatch aligns with UITP’s vision of promoting public transport as a key element of urban mobility and enhancing quality of life. By prioritising sustainability and operational excellence, SMRT is playing a pivotal role in shaping a greener and more efficient future for Singapore’s transportation.
UITP secretary-general Mohamed Mezghani said SMRT’s project “exceeded expectations on all the criteria that we set, enhancing quality of life in urban areas by promoting public transport while positioning it as the backbone of urban and local mobility”.